11/20/2013 - Nelson Verlag
LEGO® Friends – A New Hobby
There is always something going on at the girls of Heartlake City! Each of the five girls has her great hobby she loves to pursue. Mia is a passionate horse enthusiast and loves to spend as much time as possible at the stable. Andrea is totally into action and has just … more
3/12/2013 - BRANDORA Redaktion
In 2013 BRANDORA once more wants to offer an interesting overview of new and well-established licenses on the German market. Surely there is an interesting brand for everyone… more
11/5/2012 - BRANDORA Redaktion
HIT Entertainment, one of the world’s leading children’s entertainment producers and rights-owners, has announced that it has signed a raft of new international home entertainment and publishing licensees for its hugely-successful pre-school property Mike the Knight. The new deals cover a ... more
10/5/2012 - m4e
Mia and me® – most successful kid’s show in Germany: The TV premiere of Mia and me® in Germany was a huge success. During the second run in September an average of nearly 500,000 kids (3-13) watched each episode, and up to 1.2 million viewers in total. At the same time, Mia and me® was the most … more
1/23/2012 - Licensing International Deutschland
In tight time slots leading agencies and well-known rights’ owners will present more than 150 different top licenses and hit brands at the 2012 Day of Licenses. Be part of it and learn about new licensed properties and upcoming trends, improve your expert knowledge, exchange ideas and opinions with ... more
9/13/2010 - Nelson Verlag
This summer Nelson’s mini books for the German market feature four new popular licensed properties from TV and child rooms. Face exciting adventures with Wow Wow Wubbzy in Wuzzleburg! Animal rescue missions or fighting forest fire hazards – Fireman Sam is always ready for action … more
1/7/2010 - Nelson Verlag
After the Disney Mini Book Collection “Filmklassiker 1-4” featuring Nemo, Bambi, The Lion King and Jungle Book, Nelson now release the latest hit films from Disney/Pixar’s as Mini Books … more