The novel "The Lord of the Rings" is one of the most successful novels of the 20th century. The classic of fantasy literature by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien has been sold more than 150 million times worldwide and is the model for numerous adaptations. Among them is the film trilogy of the same name, which has won 17 Oscars.
The novel is set in a fantasy world that Tolkien developed throughout his life, Tolkien's World. The four hobbits play the main role, they were drawn into a heroic adventure. With on the side of the good guys, are the Elves, Men of the West and North, Dwarves and Wizards. On the opposite side play the creatures and subjects of Sauron, who all perish through the destruction of a ring. Also on the side of evil are the orcs, trolls and the people of the East and South, kidnapped by Sauron.