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Licence Description
NameBibi Blocksberg
OwnerKIDDINX Studios
AgencyKIDDINX Media
Region: Global
Product Categories: All
OriginAudio Play Series by Elfie Donelly
Target GroupGirls aged between 4 - 8
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©2019 KIDDINX Studios GmbH Berlin
Lizenz durch KIDDINX Media GmbH

“And yet there are witches!” that’s the title of the first audio story about the cheeky little witch Bibi Blocksberg, who made her market debut in 1980 and is still a bestseller today. Up to date she has had more than 100 other adventures. With her fresh sense of humour and her charming “wizz-wizz” she has literally flown into children’s hearts.


Bibi Blocksberg ...

  • is quite an ordinary, cheeky, and spirited 13-year-old girl with a strong sense of justice and a special power: She can do magic!
  • captivates young girls’ imagination with a combination of everyday live and the fascinating world of witches.
  • is full of funny ideas and mischief and she loves flying around the town on her broom “Mashed Potatoes”.
Her stories are...
  • diversified.
  • a perfect combination of everyday life & the fantastic world of witches.
  • provides ample opportunity for young girls to identify with the main characters.
The Bibi Blocksberg brand...
  • is one of the best-selling girls brands in German-speaking territories.
  • has been successful on the German market for more than 30 years.
  • holds third position of the most popular TV shows for girls aged between 6 and 9 (source: icon kids & youth 2007)
The little witch takes centre stage on many occasions, e.g. ...
  • Her first life-action feature film was Germany’s most successful theatrical release in 2002 attracting more than 2.2 million visitors.
  • Her musical is considered to be the most successful German children & family musical of all times.
  • The WII game “Das große Hexenbesenrennen” won the Giga-Maus Award 2010 in the category “Best Console Game, Children 4-6”
TV presence 2011:
Continuously airing on ZDF, Ki.Ka & Junior TV

KIDDINX Media is happy to provide up to date information about existing licensees on request.

Contact KIDDINX Media:
Thomas Puchert
Phone: 0049 30 68 972 329
mobile: 0049 172 44 37 477

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