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NameBussi Bär
OwnerRolf Kauka
AgencyBRANDORA Netzwerk
Region: GAS
Product Categories: All
Target GroupChildren aged 3-6; Parents, Grandparents and Educators
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The orange bear, who wears a golden heart around his neck, is the main character of the Bussi Bear magazine for preschoolers. Bussi Bear's faithful companion is the blue dog Bello. The magazine is made up of a mixture of entertainment and preschool educational activities. Each issue features stories about Bussi Bear and Bello, as well as the Strubbelpeter and Schnatterliese series. In addition, there are craft ideas, cooking and baking recipes, retellings of famous fairy tales, and much more. But knowledge articles, puzzles and coloring pictures are also part of the magazine. To go with the magazines, there are audio books on CD, as well as a computer game. The magazine has now been around for over 50 years.

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