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Licence Description
NameWorld Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)
OwnerWorld Wrestling Entertainment
AgencyBRANDORA Netzwerk
Region: GAS
Product Categories: All
OriginSports Entertainment on TV
Target GroupPrimary: Males aged 12 – 39
Secondary: Females aged 16 – 29
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WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) is a U.S. media company known primarily for its professional wrestling events. WWE produces several television shows and pay-per-view events every week, in which its wrestlers compete in various matches and storylines.

WWE's goal is to produce the most entertaining and exciting wrestling shows possible that appeal to a wide audience. In doing so, they rely on spectacular moves and exciting storylines that are often told over several months. The wrestlers usually wear colorful costumes and often have their own characters that they embody.

WWE has produced a number of stars over the years, including Hulk Hogan, The Rock, John Cena and currently Roman Regins. WWE events are known worldwide and have a large fan

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