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Nameemoji - The Iconic Brand & emojitown
Owneremoji company; emojitown: WildBrain & emoji company
Agencyemoji Lizenzvergabe
Region: Global
Product Categories: All
AgencyWildBrain CPLG
Region: EMEA
Product Categories: All
OriginDigital lifestyle brand; Animated YouTube series
Target Groupemoji®: kids & adults; emojitown: teens & young adults
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© emoji® is a registered trademark in the EU

Pictures say more than a thousand words. Whether poo, monkey, cat or unicorn - the use of icons in digital communication has long since become a phenomenon of the 21st century.

As early as 2013, the emoji company recognized the strengths and possibilities of this form of communication in the digital world. Inspired by the diversity and expressiveness, the emoji company registered and protected the emoji® brand worldwide for all relevant products and services and sustainably built it into a global lifestyle brand. Today, more than 500 world-renowned companies use the emoji® brand and its icons, including companies such as Sony Pictures Animation, Ferrero, Universal Music, Zara, C&A, Nestle, Kipling, Ravensburger, Random House, Kellogg's, Swiss Post and many others. Also advertising companies like Nikon, O2, Orange, Telefonica or Opel license the icons developed by the emoji company especially for the license market and the emoji® brand to promote their respective products.

In addition, the emoji company offers its customers personalized content and develops individualized icons for specific areas of application upon customer request, for example for the IAFF as part of the World Athletics Championships in London in 2017.

The license package includes the right to identify products and services with the emoji® brand and to offer, advertise and market them on the market under this name. Furthermore, official licensees have access to a brand concept developed over many years, a meaningful style guide and more than 17,000 copyrighted icons in high-resolution form. Furthermore, the emoji company continuously develops new icons, characters and patterns, which expand the license portfolio.

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