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Company Description
Short NameHeunec
NameHEUNEC Plüschspielwaren GmbH & Co. KG
Postal AddressMörikestraße 2+6
96465 Neustadt b. Coburg
Visit Addresssee above
Phone09568 855 0
FAX09568 855 85
email contact
Type of CompanyManufacturer, Licensees
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Heunec - Quality "Made in Germany"
The family-owned company from Neustadt near Coburg, Bavaria, has been producing high-quality plush toys since the 1950s. Every year, 2.5 to 3 million plush toys are produced. In addition to a large selection of its own creations, Heunec also offers numerous, iconic children's characters and figures made of high-quality plush as an official license partner. The company is as concerned about quality and safety as it is about sustainability and respectful use of natural resources. All plush products are climate-neutral.