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Short Namerbb media GmbH
Namerbb media GmbH
Postal AddressKaiserdamm 80/81
14057 Berlin
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Phone+49 30 97993 84901
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Type of CompanyLicensing (general), Licensing Agents, Rights Owners
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"Unser Sandmännchen" is one of the most popular children's brands in Germany. Since 1959, it has been putting millions of children to bed every night with a bedtime story and a pinch of dream sand. You can watch the Sandman on the channels KiKA, rbb and MDR, in the Sandman App, at and in the ARD Mediathek. The well-known ARD children's characters "Our Sandman and his friends "Pittiplatsch, Schnatterinchen and Moppi", "Herr Fuchs und Frau Elster" and "Plumps und Küken" are marketed by rbb media GmbH.