Éditions Albert-René holds all rights to the Astérix books and all other works created jointly by Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny. Astérix is a phenomenal international success, with 355 million books sold in 111 languages and dialects. 2013 will be an important year for Astérix, with the publication of Astérix and the Picts, the first book not written by the character's creators. Éditions Albert-René also manages the film and audiovisual rights for the complete works in France and abroad. The Astérix films are big box office hits: the four live-action films have sold more than 100 million tickets worldwide, and the eight animated films have also attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers. The ninth full-length 3D animated film, Astérix, Empire of the Gods, released in November 2014, was also a huge success. The "Parc Astérix" theme park, entirely dedicated to the iconic character and her world, celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2019.