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KurzbezeichnungUnited States Playing Card Company
BezeichnungThe United States Playing Card Company
Postadresse300 Gap Way
Erlanger,KY KY 41018
Besuchsadressesiehe oben
Telefon+1 800 5432273
FAX+1 859 8157566
email Kontakt
FirmentypHersteller, Lizenznehmer

For over 125 years, The United States Playing Card Company has been the leader in production and distribution of premier playing cards and a creator of innovative games the whole family can enjoy. Well-known and reputable brands such as BEE®, BICYCLE®, KEM®, AVIATOR® and HOYLE® are the fruits of our labor. Whether it’s a game of Go Fish on your family vacation, or adding a few more chips to the pile at poker night, we’ve got you covered.