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Company Description
Short NameBurdaVerlag Brand Licensing
NameBurdaVerlag Brand Licensing
Postal AddressArabellastraße 23
81925 München
Visit Addresssee above
Phone089 9250 1301
FAX089 9250 1304
email contact
Type of CompanyLicensing (general), Licensing Agents, Rights Owners
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Brand Licensing is the independent licensing agency of Burda Verlag, responsible for the development and implementation of holistic brand cooperations.

Due to its affiliation with BurdaVerlag, Brand Licensing has many years of expertise in marketing national publishing brands (including Bunte, freundin, Fit for Fun, Meine Familie & ich), as well as international publishing brands (including ELLE, Instyle, Sports Illustrated).

In the course of the agency's growth, BurdaVerlag Brand Licensing markets external brands from other industries in addition to the publishing brands, thus expanding the target group range so that all target groups from kids to Gen Z to best agers can be served with the portfolio. The brands are the basis for holistic and creative collaborations that can be staged across various platforms with wide reach across all Burda media throughout the entire product life cycle.