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Company Description
Short NameUniversal Products and Experiences
NameNBCUniversal – Universal Products & Experiences
Division of Universal Brand Development
Postal AddressLandsberger Str. 110 - Central Tower, Floor 21
80339 München
Visit Addresssee above
Phone089 38199 0
email contact
Type of CompanyLicensing (general), Licensing Agents, Rights Owners
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The mission of Universal Products & Experiences is to extend the company’s characters and stories by bringing them to life in immersive experiences, in product categories such as toys, collectables, books, apparel, lifestyle categories, video games and digital initiatives like NFTs and more. UP&E activates the business through world-class licensee partnerships or through direct operations, and across its expansive theme park locations, e-commerce platforms, live-entertainment venues, and retailer relationships around the world.

The German Universal Products & Experiences team, headed by Kathrin Brandhorst, is based in Munich and is responsible for all licensing activities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GAS) since October 2017.