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Company Description
Short NameSimm Spielwaren
NameSimm Spielwaren GmbH
Postal AddressWallersbacher Weg 2
91154 Eckersmühlen
Visit Addresssee above
Phone09171 954 127
FAX09171 954 252
email contact
Type of CompanyManufacturer, Licensees
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The Schmidt Spiele publishing house is one of the best-known German games manufacturers. It includes the brands Schmidt Spiele for puzzles, plush, children's, family and adult games, Drei Magier, which stands for sophisticated children's games, and Selecta in the wooden toy sector. The foundation stone for the Schmidt Spiele brand and the traditional company was laid in 1907 by Joseph Friedrich Schmidt with the invention of the board game Mensch ärgere Dich nicht. Other classics are Kniffel and Ligretto. In addition, the portfolio includes numerous award-winning children's, family and connoisseur games. In 1997, Schmidt Spiele was taken over by Good Time Holding GmbH with headquarters in Berlin. Further information: