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Company Description
Short NameWildBrain CPLG
NameCopyright Promotions Licensing Group GmbH
Postal AddressThalkirchner Strasse 2
80337 München
Visit Addresssee above
Phone089 541 999 200
FAX089 961090 20
email contact
Type of CompanyLicensing (general), Licensing Agents, Rights Owners
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For more than 10 years CPLG Germany has been operating on the German licensing market. Founded in 1996 as a subsidiary of CPLG Ltd., CPLG Germany is now one of world’s leading licensing agencies and provides full service to both licensees and licensors. In close cooperation with renowned studios worldwide CPLG Germany manages licensed properties for Germany and the international market.

2004 and 2007 CPLG Germany won the coveted “Agency of the Year” LIMA Award.